Blog Post

Investment Potential: The Value of Built-In Custom Closets

Damon Cox • Jan 04, 2024
Investment Potential: The Value of Built-In Custom Closets

As an expert on custom closets and home organization, I’ve had the privilege of transforming cluttered spaces into organized sanctuaries. While at first glance you might think a custom closet is purely about having a place to put each item, I’ve found that a well-designed built-in closet can have a real impact on not only a home but also a homeowner and their family. If you’re wondering whether investing in a custom closet system is worth it, I believe the answer is a resounding YES. 

Here are some of the ways a custom closet will bring value to your home and to your life:

  • Better Daily Living
  • Higher Home Value
  • Excellent Durability and Longevity
  • Improved Aesthetic Appeal

Let’s get started learning about why a custom closet system might be your top choice for a home investment this year.

Better Daily Living

A built-in custom closet system contributes to a more streamlined routine. In turn, this can reduce not only your stress but also the stress of those in your household. Coming from a busy household myself, I’m well aware of how important it is to have everyone feeling as peaceful as possible about the home!

Picture your current mornings. Are the children scrambling to find their shoes? Are you sifting through a cluttered closet looking for something reasonable to wear? Perhaps your spouse consistently misplaces their keys, briefcase, or purse. If everything had a “home” within your home and each family member was responsible for putting their items away, can you imagine how much more smoothly your mornings would run?

This is the impact that custom closet systems can have on your daily life. It’s not only mornings. I’ve had clients tell us that even bedtime routines have become less stressful when the house is tidy and everything needed for the next day is in its proper place. Investing in a custom closet system is excellent for a calmer life.

Custom Closet System,

Higher Home Value

Most homeowners are looking for ways to improve the value of their homes. While most home improvements are done with this goal in mind, have you considered how much custom closets can contribute to the target of an increased home value?

Potential buyers are often looking for homes with well-optimized storage space. A home with well-designed, high-quality custom closets stands out in the real estate market – it just might be the feature that leads to a quicker sale at a higher price. In addition to upgrading your current lifestyle, installing custom closets can be a strategic move to increase your home’s appeal when the time comes to put it on the market, whether that’s in a year or a decade (or more).

Excellent Durability and Longevity

You could go to any home improvement store and purchase a relatively inexpensive, generic closet system. It might or might not fit well in your closet space, and it probably won’t hold up very well to everyday use over the years and decades. While that might be better than nothing, it’s not going to be the stress-free, durable investment you’re looking for.

A custom closet system, on the other hand, is crafted with precision to fit in your unique space. Everything is designed to fit not only your closet but also your needs, and most closet systems are adjustable, as well, so they’ll stand up to the test of a changing wardrobe over the years. 

This durability and versatility will lead to longevity, which makes for a cost-effective investment. If you’re vacillating between having a closet custom-built or simply buying something “off the rack,” keep in mind that with the former choice, you won’t need to replace it in a year or three or five. A high-quality custom closet is built with the intention of a long lifespan – making it a good investment over time.

Custom Closet System

Improved Aesthetic Appeal

Outside of the practical benefits listed, it’s important to remember that your home should be beautiful, cozy, and appealing to you, your family, and the people who visit your home. When you have the option to combine beauty with functionality, that’s always a great investment. You don’t have to choose between a utilitarian (and unattractive) tool when you can pick out a custom closet system that enhances your home, is available in a wide range of finishes, and otherwise adds elegance and style to your space.

Simple Home Simple Life lays out some ways to create a beautiful and meaningful home. One of their tips is to purge items you no longer need and to declutter. In fact, they even use the adage, “everything should have its place.” Investing in lovely built-in furniture, like a custom closet system, will leave your home more orderly, more appealing, and more welcoming to those who live there. What better investment could you ask for?


In the years of my career helping people make the most of their storage spaces, I have encountered questions about whether custom closets are worth it and if they’re a good investment. I strongly believe they can change your life and improve the value of your home – making them an excellent choice for anyone who wants to invest in their home.


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